PAINTING (2020-2022)
Adam's work explores various topics centered around the Human experience and how it fits within the divine unfolding of the Grand Cosmos; utilizing visual art as a medium in which to investigate this mystery with symbols, rather than words.
Ultimately, his aim is to gain better understanding of how his own unique Human manifestation fits into the infinite system of multiplicity which is the physical expression of the ineffable presence of pure Being. Please click the thumbnails below to enlarge and view full images.
Since early 2020, Adam has spent much of his personal studio time teaching himself oil painting. Previously he worked almost exclusively with acrylics. The open dry times of oils have been both a challenge and an opportunity to see his painting practice in a new light.
The main subject of many of Adam's paintings is that of the human figure. His interest in figurative artwork dates back to early childhood, where he would sit on the living-room floor drawing superheros from comic books and people out of magazines. From a conceptual standpoint, his interest in the human figure is reflective of questions that explore each Human Beings' voice in the chorus of Humanity; how one person is simultaneously a unique expression of Life that is individual, and yet, also an inseparable part of something much larger. There are also questions surrounding birth, death, and the unified experience of these two transitional phases as one never-ending undulating movement of the Divine. |
Copyright Last Light Art & Adam LoRusso
2008-2024 | Boston, MA
2008-2024 | Boston, MA