Adam's drawings explore the Light, the Dark, and the vast spaces in between. The human forms exist within the gray space between black and white as a bridge between the physical realm and the world of Spirit.
The mysteries that dwell here can only be comprehended through direct experience; artistic practice is a way through which Adam explores and comes to know these in this in-between place.
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The main subject of Adam's most recent drawings has been that of the human figure. The human body is a marvelous wonder of Nature. When coupled with informed attention and intention it acts as a brilliant force capable of expressing beautiful Universal Truths. Imagine the Dancer or Athlete who moves with such poise and grace that each gesture they make is as brilliantly expressive as a sunset or waterfall.
In recognition that All is always in motion, powerful gesture drawings have also become a predominant motif in Adam's drawing practice. Through drawing, he has caught fleeting glimpses of the never ending dance of physical form; a simultaneously exchange between creation and destruction that reveals Itself as the world around and within us. Even when we consider an "inanimate" object, it is true that the molecules that make up that object are in constant motion. This heat, this intermingling, this whirling pirouette of creation is the presence of pure Love which binds, an in essence Is, the entire Universe.